My 19 Best List Linux Software [year] Complete List

Talking about 19 #BestLinux #Software 2015 Complete List we have found many software that can be installed in Linux. Based on our experience of using the Linux applications there are best Linux apps that we recommend to install in the 2015.

I have divided the best Linux software into some categories such as office productivity, internet and chat, music, video, programming and also utility. Check them out below with assume that you are using Linux Mint or Ubuntu :

Office Software in Linux

1. LibreOffice
LibreOffice is already installed in 2 most popular Linux distros such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint. Libre office offer office suite like Microsoft Office. LibreOffice include impress (powerpoint), calc (excel), base (access), writer (word) also Libre office Draw (Microsoft Visio). You can also install WPS Office that have same similiar interface with Microsoft Office, but we are not recommend WPS office since WPS only offer excel, word, and powerpoint. WPS Office also take more CPU when loaded because it is Linux Deepin native.

Internet and Chat Software in Linux

2. Internet Browser for Linux
Many internet browsers have supported Linux operating system. There are Google Chrome / Chromium / Mozilla Firefox / Maxthon / Opera / Tor Browser. You can choose which one that you like and familiar with. I recommend all of them. You can download and install the Google Chrome / Chromium / Mozilla Firefox / Maxthon / Opera / Tor Browser –click the link we provided for detail.

3. Thunderbird
Mozilla thunderbird have installed by default in Linux Mint. This software is used to manage email that support POP Mail such as free GMail and paid Yahoo email service. As a mail client, Thunderbird is powerful and support signature encryption for email.

4. Skype
You can install Skype for Linux via Software Manager or download it from Skype’s official site. Skype provide internet telephony and click to call that enable call a mobile phone from a personal computer.

Entertainment Apps for Linux

5. Clementine Music Player
Install via download page here. Taken from mandarin orange called Clementine. This software can run on Linux, Windows or Mac and support many audio file such as wav, aiff, flac, mp2, mp3, and ogg. The advantage of Clementine are it support many playlist tabs, read mood of tracks, also it provide nice user interface for you.

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20 Best Linux Software 2015 Complete List
20 Best Linux Software 2015 Complete List

6. Audacity for Linux
Install audacity via Software Manager. Audacity used for editing music in Linux and support many music file also can run under Windows, Linux or Mac OS. Audacity can make a ringtone for your phone also record your voice directly via microphone of computer.

7. Image Viewer
Image viewer have installed in Linux by default. Image Viewer is lightweight Linux Software for viewing your photos. I am listing this apps because it is very light.

8. Digikam
Install Digikam from its official site. Digikam is an alternative for ACDSee that can edit photos, give photo effect and also can read photo properties such as camera used to take photo, location of the photo, ISO file already taken and many more.

9. GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)
This is already installed on your system. GIMP is an alternative for photoshop because the user interface look like Adobe PhotoShop. You can edit your photo in advanced mode of editing with this Linux software.

10. Inkscape
Download and install this software from its official site. Inkscape used for creating vector image such as logo design, animated design business card and many more. Inkscape is an alternative for Corel Draw in Linux. Have a try!

11. VLC Media Player
This VLC media player already installed if you have Linux recent release.

12. OpenShoot
Install OpenShoot from Software Manager. Openshoot is a Linux program that can create a video on Linux with easy. OpenShoot offer minimalist design of photo editing with many effects and transitions.

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Linux Programming Software

If you are a programmer you have to install these Linux software below. You can ignore this section if you don’t need it.

13. XAMPP Linux
XAMPP can be installed via downloading the installer from XAMPP Linux official site. XAMPP provide Apache webserver, MySQL databases, PHP MyAdmin for developing website.

14. Geany
Install Geany from Software Manager. Geany is an alternative for Notepad++ in Linux. Geany used as text editor with many features such as lightweight, syntax highlighter, and many plugin supported.

15. Eclipe for Linux
Install eclipse by downloading the file from its official website for new release, or you can install it via Software Manager for older release (because Software Manager rarely updated). With Eclipse you can develop many GUI software also can develop Android software easily.

Utility Software in Linux

16. PlayOnLinux
Install PlayOnLinux via Software Manager. With PlayOnLinux you can install Windows software on Linux easily. I am not recommended to install this Software because in Linux have so many software offered as an alternative.

17. USB Stick Formatter
Formatting USB Drive become easy with this Linux software. try to install it via Software Manager and search.

18. Simple Screen Recorder
Install this software via its official site. SimpleScreenRecorder used to record your screen as video. The output format is vary and can be set.

19. Okular
Okular can be install via their official sites. Okular can read PDF file in Linux with loading time is shorter that if you are using Adobe Reader. Also Adobe reader is stopped for Linux.

Please note that “Software Manager” if you use Linux Mint, for Ubuntu user use the “Software Center”. Thank you for reading 19 Best Linux Software 2015 Complete List. If you feel this article has benefit then share it with your friend using Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ using the buttons below.