NixNote 2, The OneNote Evernote for Linux Alternative

NixNote Free Note Taking App OneNote Linux Alternative. Formerly NixNote named with Never Note. With this application you can write a note in Linux, attach files or images, and enen synchronize with Evernote so you can have your notes whevere you go.How to install NixNote as evernote client in Linux? Read it here!

This NixNote is of the Linux apps for taking notes easily and become alternative for Microsoft One Note on Linux. This is an open source clone of Evernote. This program has been run on Linux, Windows, and OS-X, but the primary goal is to proved a Linux client.  While this is designed to work with Evernote, it is in no way connected with or supported by Evernote.

NixNote as Note Application for Linux

NixNote allows you to create a text note and synchronize it with your Evernote account. You can’t create or edit ink notes. Evernote doesn’t provide an API or any documentation on the file formats for ink notes so there is nothing I can do but vewing ink notes is possible. When you synchronize it should pull an image down and show it to you. The note is read-only and you can’t change the contents.

The Evernote Client for Linux

NixNote is designed to interact with Evernote and synchronize any data you have. The first time you synchronize it will download all of your data. The first sync can take a very long time based upon the size of your database.

If it encounters problems and crashes on the first sync, you should be able to restart the program and continue the synchronization. It will take up the synchronization where it stopped.

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Sync Evernote with NixNote

If space is a concern, you can choose which notes you wish to synchronize. It is easiest to do this before the first sync, or you’ll download everything in your account only to delete it later. If you have already synchronized and wish to use this feature you can do it at any time.

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When you use this feature NixNote will still download all notes just as if you were doing a full synchronization, but it won’t save any notes matching your criteria. It will also allow you to create any notes with those tags & notebooks and will store them until you synchronize. When you synchronize, the note will be uploaded & deleted from your local database. They should then be available online.

Notebooks on NixNote can be created or renamed the same as any Evernote client. When you create a notebook you have the option of creating it as a local or synchronized notebook. Local notebooks are saved only on your hard drive and never go through Evernote’s servers. If you local notebooks I highly recommend doing frequent backups to preserve any data in the event of a crash.

How to Sync NixNote to Evernote on Cloud Raed Here

How to Install NixNote 2

From Software Manager

NixNote has maturity development, in 2017 this software released version 2 and available on Software Center, you can install NixNote2 by using this command:

sudo apt install nixnote2

You also can install NixNote2 from Software Center: Open it by clicking Menu >> System >> Software Manager. Then search for “nixnote”, once you found it then install.

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Direct Install

So if you need to install it manually. Follow these instruction to install NixNote on Linux :

  1. Download NixNote installer from NixNote website (download deb file for easy install, also download the latest version, choose the right one for you the 64bit or x86)
  2. After downloaded, double click that file and new window will appear. Click on “Install Package” button and enter your password when prompted.
  3. Wait until installation completed. Now you can open NixNote after install by clicking Start Menu >> Internet >> NixNote. The main window such as picture above

NixNote Review for Note Taking App

NixNote provide great functionalities for note taking apps on Linux. It is the best Evernote client since Evernote doesn’t provide official program for Linux.