This is about child dialog window which can be produced when you click the about menu to show about window, save as dialog window, and etc which aren’t showing up in the title bar so you can not move it to another area.
We will troubleshoot this Linux problem or may be just the setting which is not we wished before in GUI mode.
This case we produced after upgrading my Linux Mint 17.2 to Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa on Cinnamon. When I try to nemo about window it looks weird, no title bar for about window also the parent window get dimmed. You can see these picture for detail.
How to Solve Linux Mint Title Bar is Missing
Okay this is not a problem, it is only incorrect setting for your Linux system. We can choose behavior preference of the title bar on the child window on Linux Mint, you can turn on the attach the child window or you can disable child window to be attached to main window.
Follow these steps to repair the missing title bar for Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa Cinnamon
- Open System Settings by clicking Start Menu >> Preferences >> System Settings >> Windows
- You will see “Windows” to adjust your window preference and looks. Click on the “Behavior” tab.
- Turn OFF or disable for the “Attach dialog windows to the parent window”
Congratulation! You’re done. Now you can see the title bar for your about window or save dialog of your applications. Try to open your nemo again and you will see things happened normal again.
If you prefer your child window is attached into main Window you can do the same and turn it ON.