How to Install WPS Office Linux Mint in English + Performance Review

Ways to Download + Install Kingsift WPS Office Linux Mint in English. WPS Office is an alternative and has similar interface to Microsoft Office on Linux. How to install WPS Office on Linux Mint please see detail by completely read this article.

WPS Office is Compatible With Microsoft Office Supports PPT, DOC, DOCX, XLS And XLSX Save Documents As A PDF.

About Kingsoft Office Software

Established in 1989, KINGSOFT Office is a leading global developer of office software solutions, developing productivity applications for the consumer and enterprise markets. With over 1 Billion users worldwide, its flagship product WPS Office (“best Microsoft Office alternative…” – CNET) is one of the world’s most popular cross-platform office suites supporting iOS and Android, as well as Windows and Linux PCs.

how to install wps office for linux

WPS Office Writer

  1. Fully compatible with Microsoft Office (.DOC and .DOCX)
  2. Insert photos, tables and charts into documents
  3. Rich text, page and paragraph formatting features
  4. Collaborate with others using track changes and comments
  5. Open multiple documents in one window using Tabs
  6. Drag and Drop paragraph adjustment tool to easily change page formatting
 wps office linux english

WPS Office Spreadsheets

  1. Fully compatible with Microsoft Exel (.XLS and .XLSX)
  2. Worksheets supports functions for finance, statistics, IT, engineering and more
  3. Insert photos, graphs, charts and tables
  4. Auto-fit cells to their contents
  5. Includes a 100 common functions and formulas
  6. Auto-contract condenses and summarizes cells with large volumes of content
WPS Office Presentation

WPS Office Presentation

  1. Fully compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint (.PPT)
  2. Insert photos, videos, custom animation and more
  3. Create graphs, charts and tables
  4. Open multiple presentations in one window using Tabs

Download WPS Office for Linux Mint

WPS Office community provide the WPS Office Linux version. You can see the release version of WPS Office for Linux on the WPS Office Community Download Page, CLICK HERE.

See also  [HOT] How to Install Libre Office [year] In Linux and Its Review

Decide you want to download WPS Office 32bit or WPS Office 64bit version. Please download the deb file for your Linux Mint because it is very easy to install without complicated steps.

How to Install WPS Office on Linux Mint

Here is the way to install WPS Office for Linux Mint. Follow these steps to install:

  1. After download the WPS Office installer from here, please double click the downloaded file
  2. Click the “Install Package” button to install and enter your password if prompted.
  3. Wait until installation competed! Now you can open WPS Office after install by clicking Start Menu >> Office >> WPS Presentation or WPS Spreadsheet or WPS Writer.
  4. You are done!

How to Change Skin Theme for WPS Office on Linux

That is very easy. Open your WPS Office then see the top corner of WPS Office window. Click on the skin icon (the t-shirt icon).
wps office linux 64 wps office linux language english
Select the skin that you want to apply. Then click OK button. You will see your WPS office window changed!

How to Change Language WPS Office on Linux

If your WPS Office language is not in English and you don’t understand you can change the language from the language icon (it is located next to the t-shirt icon). Click on it then change your language. Done! That is very simple.