Tesseract OCR Optical Character Recognition for Linux

Tesseract OCR Optical Character Recognition Software for Linux whicn run in Terminal with command -command line OCR tool. If have scanned document of ebooks, journal, or papers and want to convert the scanner picture to text file you should you use Tesseract OCR.

The Optical Character Recognition software, Tesseract OCR perform better for converting image from scanned ebook paper into txt file.

So I would like to know the recommended Optical Character Recognition softwares for Linux is Tesseract OCR which is available for free.

Tesseract OCR Optical Character Recognition for Linux

The best Optical Character Recognition Softwares is Tesseract OCR. Definition of OCR is a technology that allows you to convert scanned images of text into plain text. This enables you to save space, edit the text and search/index it.

Tesseract OCR is the most accurate, under Linux now they lack graphical interface (GUI), which is a very important usability feature for a typical desktop user.

The current version of Tesseract in the Ubuntu repository is a command-line-only tool. After successful installation, the command to use is tesseract <path to image> <basename of output file>. Tesseract will automatically give the output file a .txt extension. If you have installed the language specific data files from one of the tesseract-ocr-??? packages, you can give an -l option followed by the language code.

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How to Install Tesseract OCR for Linux and How to Use It

Tesseract OCR is available on linux repository, you can install Tesseract OCR by typing these command:

sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr

#How to Use Tesseract OCR in Linux
Below is an example of Tesseract OCR usage from Terminal:
If you have scanned book named with ScannedBook.png then you can convert the image to text by typing:

tesseract ScannedBook.png output

Will produce a file called output.txt

See also  How to Use OCR in Linux - Extract Text From PDF Image

Tesseract OCR Review in Linux

Tesseract is probably the most accurate open source OCR engine available. Combined with the Leptonica Image Processing Library it can read a wide variety of image formats and convert them to text in over 60 languages.

It was one of the top 3 engines in the 1995 UNLV Accuracy test. Between 1995 and 2006 it had little work done on it, but since then it has been improved extensively by Google. It is released under the Apache License 2.0.

Tesseract was originally designed to recognize English text only. Efforts have been made to modify the engine and its training system to make them able to deal with other languages and UTF-8 characters. Tesseract 3.0 can handle any Unicode characters (coded with UTF-8), but there are limits as to the range of languages that it will be successful with, so please take this section into account before building up your hopes that it will work well on your particular language!

Tesseract 3.01 added top-to-bottom languages, and Tesseract 3.02 added Hebrew (right-to-left). Tesseract currently handles scripts like Arabic with an auxiliary engine called cube (included in Tesseract 3.0+)

NOTES: If you are not familiar with command using linux Terminal, you should install YAGF –the GUI for Tesseract OCR.