Top 3 Program to Create Photo Collage For Facebook in Linux. You can create photo collage for facebook timeline or printing purpose in Linux with many software for creating photo collage such as PhotoCollage, Fotowall, GIMP with IGLO plugin.
When you need to make a photo collage for any purpose, you turn to graphics editors or software which can make photo collage in an easy way. There is no need to try a sophisticated photo editor. On the internet you will find many free programs to combine pictures. Check 3 best free photo collage editors linux for seamless collage making.
3 Program to Create Photo Collage For Facebook in Linux
1. PhotoCollage
A very easy Photo Collage Maker for beginner in Linux. You can generate any grid template for photo collage randomly. PhotoCollage assembles the input photographs you give it to generate a big poster.
Photos are arranged to fill the whole poster, however you can influence the algorithm to change the final layout. You can also set a custom border between photos, and save the generated image in the resolution you want. For more detail see how to install click here.
2. Fotowall for Linux
Fotowall is a creative tool that allows you to layout your photos or pictures in a personal way. You can add pictures, then resize, move, change colors, text, shadows, etc.. With fotowall you can create original pictures, wallpapers, postcards and covers; print superbig posters with a small printer; play with live video, internet content, text and pictures. Read more here.
3. GIMP with IGLO Plugin
IGLO – Images Grid LayOut. IGLO for GIMP to Create Photo Collage Grid for Linux GUI mode. GLO is a Gimp script which merges multiple images to another one with grid layout. You can use it for printing multiple photos on single paper, creating posters, wallpaper, CD/DVD covers, etc. Read more!
With photo collage software for Linux mentioned above, you can make photo collage birthday, create your own photo collage background, make photo collage twitter background, create photo collage facebook cover, create facebook timeline photo collage cover and many more!