Install QGifer on Linux Mint 17.x (Convert Video to GIF)

How to install Install QGifer on Linux Mint 17.x (Convert Video to GIF on Linux) -Tested and it is worked! With QGIfer you can convert video to animated gif on Linux using easy GUI interface.

You can convert any video such as FLCV. MP4, MKV, AVI and many more video to GIM animated image. This is the best video to gif converter software for Linux since it is only one video to GIF software on Linux.

What is QGifer

QGifer is a free open-source Linux software developed to extract GIF image from the videos. Also, it permits the users to edit the color palette, add text, crop images, add filters on photos, etcetera.

The video converter to GIF on Linux, QGifer can cut the part of the video you want to GIF, so you can specify the start time and end time to convert. The latest version available is QGifer 0.2.3 RC2 which brings bug-fixes only.

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How to Install QGifer on Linux Mint 17 for 64bit and 32bit

1. QGifer Download Latest Version for Linux

QGifer project software started on 2013 by Lukasz Chodyla and discontinue. This useful project continued by Arkadii Ivanov on 2015 and released the QGifer 0.2.3 for Linux.

If you are using Linux Mint 17 Qiana, 17.1 Rebecca, 17.2 Rafaela, 17.3 Rosa, also Ubuntu 14.04 you can download QGifer installer from here. 
We have provided two package for both 32bit and 64bit on that archive.

2. Ways to Install QGifer on Linux Mint

After downloading the installer file for the QGifer you can install it by double clicking on it and click the “Install Package” button on appeared window. Wait until installation completed. Now you can open QGifer after install by clicking Start Menu >> Graphic >> QGifer.

See also  Burn Videos to CD/ DVD With DevedeNG in Linux

Another Way to Install QGifer on Linux

This is an alternative to install QGifer on Linux, all you need to do is add the PPA to your system, update the local repository index and install the qgifer package:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qgifer

Optional, to remove qgifer, do:

sudo apt-get remove qgifer

QGifer Review for Converting Video to GIF Program on Linux

QGifer is the best video to GIF converter software on Linux. The interface is simple, the left side contain your preference and the right side is the video preview. You can set the start time and end time for the GIF, also you can specify the image size for your GIF later. You can see the GIF result from this post!