How to Change Extension of Multiple Files at Once Linux

How to Change Extension of Multiple Files at Once on Linux. Changing name suffix on hundred file name take a long time if you do it manually. Here is the way to change bulk file extension on Linux simultaneously.

You have 4 software option to use to change the file extension with one click. Click Here to see the software!

You may choose one of them. For this Linux Mint tutorial we use PyRename. Follow these instruction below to mass rename multiple file extension.

With pyRenamer you can rename files using patterns, substitutions, insert or delete text, or even rename files manually. You can also rename images using their EXIF tags and music using their internal tags. pyRenamer is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

This article will focussed on how to change file extension only. For features and how to install PyRename please CLICK HERE.

We choose PyRename because it has simple interface and easy to use. PyRename has three sections, the left section, the right section, and the bottom section.

First is the left pane, you can browse your file which you will rename from here. Your file usually located at home directory followed by your username.

Second, is the right pane which contain your files on your current browser folder. It has no option to check or uncheck your file here! So you need to copy all file that you want to rename into single folder, then browse from the left pane.

Third, the bottom pane which contain many functionalities such as renaming file, change extension, insert file name, and many more.

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How to Change Extension of Multiple Files on Linux

Please copy your files which you want to rename them into single folder for easy task. Follow these steps to renaming the file extension:

  1. Open PyRename (click Start Menu >> Accessories >> PyRename)
  2. Browse your file on the Left pane, you will see your browsed folder on the right pane
  3. On the bottom section, click on “Subtitutions” tab.. Give check the “Replace” then type the extension you want to rename to new one.
  4. Click the file name on the right pane, you can use Ctrl or Shift to select multiple files.
  5. Click “Preview” button to see your change. If your change was true then you have to click “Rename” button to make a real changes to your file
  6. You’re done!
PyRenamer Best Software to Rename Bulk File in Linux Free. pyRenamer is a linux application for mass renaming files even rename only part of the title or file name. 
You can have this file renaming software to download free: pyRenamer can also be used for mp3 file renamer software and image file renamer software which can catch metadata from picture of mp3 file in linux.
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