How to Install Elementary OS Icon Theme on Linux Mint 17.x Cinnamon will be explained here. Elementary icon themes is icons which is used by default in the Elementary OS distro.
Elementary OS icons theme can be installed on your Linux Mint so will have the new icon theme with both light and dark icon theme. It is an icon theme designed to be smooth, sexy, clear, and efficient for elementary OS.
Elementary OS has desktop interface with cool icons. The design is very deliberate and extremely functional. It is something of a hybrid, though, as it is inspired by Apple’s OS X but based on Debian Ubuntu.
Some Elementary OS Icon Theme Preview
You can see Elementary OS icon theme preview here before install:
Please note that these awesome screen shoot is taken with Stylish Dark Theme for Linux Mint and using Vertex Dark “Controls” on the Themes preferences.
Preview of the Elementary OS folder icon look like this:
The Elementary OS Icon for Application Mime on Linux Mint
Elementary icon set is default icon in Elementary OS which is provided by Danrabbit. Elementary icons offers over 7,500+ icons for Linux desktop. There are two versions of Elementary one is “Elementary” it can be used with light themes and dark themes.
Elementary OS Icon Theme Feature
- Tons of new -symbolic icons
- Emoticons
- Brand new folders
- Updated apps
- Less symlinks
- Revamped Mimetypes
- More icons in more sizes
- Merging changes from Humanity
- new mono icons including new monos for dark panels
- Better horizontal spacing for panel icons
- More and Better app icons
How to Install Elementary Icon Theme on Linux Mint 17.x
For you who love Elementary OS icon themes and want it to be installed on your Linux Mint, you need to add PPA from Terminal. Open your Linux Terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T then type these command.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/icons
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install elementary-icons
Setting Up Elementary OS Icon Themes on Linux Mint
After installing Elementary IS icon theme on Linux Mint, now you need to configure your Themes preferences on Linux Mint.
Open your Themes preferences by clicking Start Menu >> Administration >> Preferences >> Themes
On the icon section, please select the “elementary” or “elementary mono dark” and you have completed this Linux Mint tutorial. See the first picture above for detail!