How to Create Battery Warning on Ubuntu Linux Mint

How to Create Battery Warning on Ubuntu Linux Mint. You can make a battery notification that warn you when your battery getting low or fully charged.

We have made a Battery Warning that display low battery warning and full battery warning for Ubuntu and Linux Mint. This is my small creation of low battery notifications and full battery notification. Now you can see a battery notification Window in your linux desktop.

Battery Warning is a small application created using Java. This app will show full battery notification for Ubuntu and Linux Mint when your laptop battery is full or based on your battery level setting. Also display low battery notification Window on your Linux Desktop.

This Battery Warning using ACPI and will monitor ACPI battery level. You can edit battery level by opening “” file. See line 8 and 15 for detail and save your work.

Features of Battery Warning for Ubuntu / Linux Mint

Here are some feature of this applications :

  • You can set battery level to warn
  • Indicator Icon can be changed
  • Small Apps

full battery warning ubuntu linux mint battery full warning linux mint 17.2 rafaela

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How to Create Battery Warning in Ubuntu Linux Mint

Now you can make a GUI window low battery warning also full battery warning for Linux using this apps. Follow these steps to install Battery Warning :

  1. Install ACPI through Terminal by typing sudo apt-get install acpi
  2. Download Battery Warning for Ubuntu and Linux Mint Click Here
  3. Extract downloaded file, there are 5 files and it’s hidden. To show them press Ctrl + H on your keyboard
  4. Edit battery level to warn by opening “” file
  5. Copy all the 5 files into your home directory
  6. Create StartUp program to run “” file. In Linux Mint you can create StartUp application by clicking Start Menu >> Preferences >> StartUp Applications, this window will appear :
full notification ubuntu battery full notification linux mint battery full alert app ubuntu linux mint low battery warning ubuntu linux mint battery low warning linux mint 17.2 rafaela low battery notification linux mint dan ubuntu low battery alert linux mint ubuntu battery low notification ubuntu battery low notification linux mint battery low alert app ubuntu linux mint

Please enter attribute as follow :
Name : Battery Warning (optional)
Command : click “Browse” and locate your home directory then choose “” file
Comment : Battery Warning by LINUX-GREP.BLOGSPOT.COM (optional)
Startup delay : enter number this program will be run

See also  BleachBit Software to Delete Unnecessary File in Linux

And finally you have finished the way How to Create Battery Warning in Ubuntu Linux Mint. After next login or restart you will see a Window when your laptop battery gain top battery level also when your battery is low. Like this Linux tutorial? Please share..